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beautiful 24 year old babe, (flat chest:1.5), tall height, large cheekbones, slender, tall forehead, taking a selfie, taken on an iPhone 15 Pro, (tattooed:1.2), (small puffy nipples), see-thru bra, designer expensive necklace, over the hip straps, cleft chin, square head, square nose, pointed nose, (curvy, wide hips), big athletic ass, large head, slender waist, big cheekbones, makeup, body freckles, black hair with blonde tips, medium bob, wavy hair, brown eyes, modern house, wearing sexy floral lingerie, (dynamic lingerie color:1.3), big pubic hair

beautiful 24 year old babe, (flat chest:1.5), tall height, large cheekbones, slender, tall forehead, taking a selfie, taken on an iPhone 15 Pro, (tattooed:1.2), (small puffy nipples), see-thru bra, designer expensive necklace, over the hip straps, cleft chin, square head, square nose, pointed nose, (curvy, wide hips), big athletic ass, large head, slender waist, big cheekbones, makeup, body freckles, black hair with blonde tips, medium bob, wavy hair, brown eyes, modern house, wearing sexy floral lingerie, (dynamic lingerie color:1.3), big pubic hair beautiful 24 year old babe, (flat chest:1.5), tall height, large cheekbones, slender, tall forehead, taking a selfie, taken on an iPhone 15 Pro, (tattooed:1.2), (small puffy nipples), see-thru bra, designer expensive necklace, over the hip straps, cleft chin, square head, square nose, pointed nose, (curvy, wide hips), big athletic ass, large head, slender waist, big cheekbones, makeup, body freckles, black hair with blonde tips, medium bob, wavy hair, brown eyes, modern house, wearing sexy floral lingerie, (dynamic lingerie color:1.3), big pubic hair
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